Horse herd

Animal Konnection provides myofascial release (MFR) as a component of its multimodality approach to optimising function.  Sessions will run from ½ - 1 hour. MFR therapy works at restoring homeostasis to the fascial web leading to improved form and function.

General Information

MFR1The techniques used by us are those taught by Steven Goldstein (humans) and used in craniosacral balance (animals).  MFR techniques “utilise direct compressive and indirect osteopathic autonomic nervous system methods for the release of myofascial restrictions (Goldstein, S).” It should be noted that myofascial treatment in animals is as a component of CSB. It is only a stand-alone therapy for people.

Conditions that MFR may assist with include, but are not limited to:

  • Systemic conditions including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and chronic pain
  • Regional dysfunctions, including frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement, rotator cuff dysfunction
  • Lower back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Cervical, jaw and neck pain and dysfunction
  • Emotional and somatic bodywork
  • Maintain performance
  • Geriatric to promote function and body movement
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • During rehabilitation

MFR like many alternative therapies, promotes the philosophy that the mind, emotions and body work together to maintain health. Effectively this supports the understanding that the mind and body are one and the same. The body has the ability to remember postural positions, actions and emotions without the brain reminding it. Throughout the body’s fascial system microscopic cells containing energy have the ability to retain memory.

MFR is a specialised physical and manual therapy used for the effective treatment and rehabilitation of soft tissue and fascial tension and restrictions. ‘Myo’ referring to muscle and ‘fascia’ meaning band. Fascia, an embryological connective tissue, is a 3D continuous web of elastin and collagen fibres surrounded by ground substance, a viscous fluid. Fascia is both strong and flexible whilst the ground substance is a fluid transportation medium which facilitates the slide and glide mechanism between structures.

Fascia surrounds, infuses and protects all structures and tissues in the body (tendon, muscle, bone, ligament and organ). In healthy conditions the fascial system has a relaxed and wavy configuration. It provides a cushioning and supportive mechanism allowing individuals to move without restriction or pain. Fascia is also dynamic in nature, responding to the internal and external forces applied to it, meeting the resistance in order to protect. The most interesting aspect of the fascial system is that it is not just a system of separate coverings. It is actually one continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption. With this view, one can begin to see that each part of the entire body is connected to every other part by the fascial web.

Research has proven that fascia has the ability to contract and relax and plays an important role in the mobility and stability of joints. Fascia acts as a tensegrity (tension and integrity) model where tension and resistance rely on each other for functional stability.

When one experiences physical, mental and emotional trauma, scarring, inflammation or poor posture the fascia loses its pliability, becoming a source of tension to the rest of the body. Trauma, such as a fall, car accident, whiplash, surgery or just habitual poor posture and repetitive stress injuries has cumulative effects along fascial chains.  This causes the fascial web to lose its cushioning mechanism and internal structures become pulled out of alignment. Fascial restrictions can manifest in numerous ways causing all kinds of symptoms such as pain, headaches, restriction of motion, etc. Fascial restrictions affect our flexibility and stability and are a determining factor in our ability to withstand stress and perform daily activities. This in turn creates an abnormal pressure on nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels further creating tension on adjacent pain-sensitive structures and those along the fascial chain.

Fascial restrictions do not present on CAT scans, MRI’s or xrays therefore many individuals will be suffering unresolved physical and emotional pain due to undiagnosed fascial trauma. Conditions are a label for a symptom. Allopathic healthcare generally treats the symptom, MFR with its whole body approach aims to treats the cause at the deepest level.

MFR therapy works at restoring homeostasis to the fascial web leading to improved form and function.