Horse herd
Dr. Tracey Simpson

Tracey is passionate about craniosacral work, heart centred healing and working with animals and people to facilitate health, happiness and functionality – physical, mental, emotional, behavioural and energetic. Tracey has a diverse and varied background as is reflected in her education and experiential learning.  Tracey endeavours to create a sacred space for healing and growth in body, emotional awareness, mind and spirit.  In this space, trust, integrity and honesty combine to create open hearted connection enabling all beings to be fully supported. 

Tracey hales from Zimbabwe, moved to South Africa and now resides in Perth Western Australia. She spent many years assisting nature in healing the land working in the areas of land rehabilitation and environmental management. In the early 2000's she changed direction and started doing craniosacral balance including somato-emotional release work, teaching yoga and doing energy work, where she found her home. She continues to use all her life experience to work with the animals and people who invite her into their lives to facilitate their healing journey. She is honoured and feels most privileged to have this opportunity. 

Dr Tracey Simpson has qualifications/training in craniosacral balance, somato-emotional release, Reiki, Pranic Healing, myofascial release, and is a veterinarian (Murdoch University Graduate) and grassland scientist.